
The word-search grid below contains (at least) 24 words, connected with the spring season. Can you find them all? It might even teach you something new...

spring word search

Plain version:

H   S   E   G   M   O   O   L   B   S
S   W   S   T   A   K   R   O   T   S
E   A   P   O   R   D   W   O   N   S
R   L   R   O   T   N   E   E   R   G
F   L   O   W   E   R   S   U   N   N
E   O   U   Y   N   T   E   I   K   I
R   W   T   P   I   S   R   A   I   N
P   I   L   U   T   P   S   Y   T   E
L   B   L   O   S   S   O   M   E   K
A   L   I   L   A   C   W   Q   E   A
Y   L   F   R   E   T   T   U   B   W
A   E   G   E   L   D   D   U   P   A
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It's autumn down here in Aus :P $\endgroup$
    – boboquack
    Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 20:42
  • $\begingroup$ @boboquack, so you want me to make an Autumn word search? And what about the Equator or the Tropics? :P $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 21:49

1 Answer 1


Bloom, swallow, sprout, snowdrop, awakening, grass, flowers, blossom, rain, puddle, lilac, beet, refresh, play, butterfly, spring, sow

Kite from Techidot.

Treat, Sun, Bow, Nest, Tulip, Green, Martenitsa from Sconibulus.

Stork, Poetry from Gareth.

Bee from Oehm

This is getting really crammed...

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Green (9,3) W, Mew (7,8) SE, Martenitsa (4,0) S $\endgroup$
    – Sconibulus
    Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 13:51
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Oh, there's a BEE in the 9th column, flying upwards (9, 11) N. (It was, of course, hidden by the aforementioned beet.) $\endgroup$
    – M Oehm
    Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 13:57
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Here is a multi-colored version of what has been found until now: i.sstatic.net/KWESP.png $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 14:32
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The 3-letter word is Sow of the ones you found :) And everything has been found. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 14:50
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Techidiot, well I don't believe everyone is familiar with "martenitsa" - as it is a bit localized. But that's why I used "might" - after all - some might know about it. :) $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 15:04

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