Greetings my nephews and nieces! I am your uncle. You may not remember me, since none of you have bothered to keep in touch, but I am coming to you with some grave news. I do not have much time left, and I need to name an heir to my sizeable fortune. You all are my closest relatives, and despite your disinterest in my life, I have decided to leave everything I own to one of you.
As far as which of you will be named, that depends on who can figure out just what I've been doing all these years. I've constructed a few puzzles with some recent examples of what I deal with. The first to determine what those things are will inherit everything I leave behind.
Good Luck,
- Uncle Phillip
Each image has 3 hidden clues, aside from the final image which has 2. The link to the next image, a number, and letters encoded in a unique fashion, meaning the way you get letters for one puzzle will not be the way to get them for any of the other puzzles.
Hint 2
The hidden number in each puzzle goes together with the hidden letters in the same puzzle.