What is the name/type/search term I can use to find similar puzzles to the one below (so I can practice them, as I really struggle currently wrapping my head around them)?
Any type of question where you have to interpret an unsual way of presenting data
I have tried:
- complex data representation (but this mainly shows business charts)
- abstract reasoning (but this mainly yields "Spot whats next in the pattern")
An example of the type of puzzle which I am seeking the name for is below:
- Solid lines indicate a child of a father from the clan at the origin of the arrow becomes a member of the clan to which the arrow points.
- Broken lines indicate allowed marriage relationships where any man from the clan at the origin of the arrow may marry a woman of the clan to which the arrow points.
- A man of clan X has to marry a woman of clan m(X).
- A child of a man of clan X will be of a clan c(X).
In both systems, individuals belong to the clan of:
A) one parent, B) their aunts, C) their uncles, D) their sibling