New Answer - since the original (below) was close but inanimate
Am I
a crow
I did not choose this line of work
twas someone else, jerk.
crows like to eat young crops, but at one time a crow tied to a post was used to ward off would be pests. A crow wouldn't choose to be tied to the post by the farmer (jerk)
I did not even practice one single day
and now find myself in great dismay.
no practice for this job and definitely a dismal outcome
I tried to leave my job but couldn't
for he placed me here in a way I wouldn't.
the crow would have no way of escaping the post
When those chosen in my path
after uprooting suffer the aftermath
of senseless flight, or caged night
or forced under watery perilous fright.
these are the vegetables in rows that the crow is supposed to protect from its own kind, but when uprooted they are thrown (flight) into baskets, put into refrigerators (night) or washed/boiled (watery fright)
All of us were marked, pierced or placed
by his hand, against our wills, disgraced!
hanging a crow could be done by its feet placing it upside down or pierced through a wing
And now in my eleventh hour,
I find my fate must really go sour!
if the crow wasn't dead already it soon would be in this state eventually dying and rotting
For many of my colleagues do not go home
yet pieces of them now around me roam!
the crows would not be released and feathers would surely blow all over the field
Original Answer
Am I
a scarecrow
I did not choose this line of work
twas someone else, jerk.
the scarecrow wouldn't choose the job, the place, the clothes, etc.
I did not even practice one single day
and now find myself in great dismay.
the scarecrow would come to being immediately
I tried to leave my job but couldn't
for he placed me here in a way I wouldn't.
the farmer placed the scarecrow on a pole in an unnatural way
When those chosen in my path
after uprooting suffer the aftermath
of senseless flight, or caged night
or forced under watery perilous fright.
these are the vegetables in rows that the scarecrow is supposed to protect, but when uprooted they are thrown (flight) into baskets, put into refridgerators (night) or washed/boiled (watery fright)
All of us were marked, pierced or placed
by his hand, against our wills, disgraced!
again, designed by the farmer, without any consideration to the scarecrows they are marked, pierced on a stake and contorted into unnatural positions
And now in my eleventh hour,
I find my fate must really go sour!
made of straw the scarecrow doesn't last forever and can spoil (sour)
For many of my colleagues do not go home
yet pieces of them now around me roam!
usually multiple scarecrows are used in a patch and as they fall apart the straw and clothes would scatter in the fields