A simple riddle about how I feel right now.
One in name made up of two,
The first with honey, jam or glue,
second: paper, glass or ice,
less of them would be nice...
Of what do I speak?
A stab ... One in name made up of two,
The first with honey, jam or glue,
these are spread - if so J. Siebeneichler excels
second: paper, glass or ice,
these are formed in sheets
less of them would be nice...
Save them ... it's noel time for Scroogey bosses making us Cratchity.
Do you feel
spread thin?
"honey, jam or glue"
Things you spread
"paper, glass or ice"
Things that are thin
"less of them would be nice..."
Less projects.
The first with honey, jam or glue,
Sounds like STICKY - a property shared by all of these things.
second: paper, glass or ice,
Maybe SHARP? You can get a paper cut, or cut yourself on broken glass, or maybe get stabbed with an icicle.
I'm not sure about how to put the two together though. You feel
sticky and sharp at work? :-P
You feel:
You feel flat-stick
One in names made up of two:
One hyphen in a names made up of two.
Jam, honey, glue:
Jam, glue and honey are all sticky
Glass, paper, ice:
Glass, paper and ice are all flat surfaces
Nice to have less:
Nice to have less clients
because if you take the l t s away from clients and rearrange it would be nice, also because you are flat-stick Or maybe it's not that complicated and you just mean less work / tasks / projects
(not sure about this last line yet :))