16 is the lowest.
1 &= \frac{5+7}6-1\\
2 &= \frac6{7+1-5}\\
3 &= \frac{1\times 6}{7-5}\\
4 &= (5-1)\times(7-6)\\
5 &= 5+1+6-7\\
6 &= \frac{7-1}6 + 5\\
7 &= 7+6-1-5\\
8 &= 7+\frac6{1+5}\\
9 &= 7+6+1-5\\
10 &= (7-5)\times(6-1)\\
11 &= (7-5)\times 6-1\\
12 &= (7-5)\times 6 \times 1\\
13 &= (7-5)\times 6+1\\
14 &= (6+1-5)\times 7\\
15 &= \frac6{\frac75-1} = \frac6{2/5}\\
This was done using a computer program to enumerate all possible numbers achievable and then seeing the results.
For extra credit the largest possible is:
The algorithm used to do this was as follows:
Starting with four numbers:
Define an operation as having a left and a right number and an operation. We have four possible left numbers and four possible right numbers but we can't choose the same one twice so we have 12 number combinations.
For each of these apply the operator to get a new number. Take the used numbers out of the set and add in the new number. The new number needn't be an integer.
We now have 48 sets of three numbers. Apply the same principle to find the 1152 (not necessarily unique) sets of two numbers that can be made. Repeat until you have the 9216 possible combinations of numbers and operators.
Then from this set eliminate all the undesirables (ie non integer results). Look at list. Profit.
To see the code go look at http://pastebin.com/HEuKHhsv. Its written in C# and designed to run in Linqpad (for ease of coding). Its not written to be readable necessarily but is written verbosely enough to satisfy myself that it is working as intended. :)
Also for interest the ones under 50 that can't be done are:
And there are 181 positive numbers under 252 that cannot be made using this method (I hope or something in my program went wrong).