I found this Strange Calculator, and I don't know how it works.
This is what it looks like:
I've run some problems through it and here are the results:
&A+B = 23 & F-G = -1 & K\times L = 156\\
&B+C = 25 & G-H = -1 & L \times M = 182\\
&C+D = 27 & H-I = -1 & M \times N = 210\\
&D+E = 29 & I-J = -1 & N \times O = 240\\
&E+F = 22 & J-K = -1 & O \times P = 128\\
&\frac{P}Q = 0.8888888888888888 & \frac{Q}R = 0.9&\\
&\frac{R}S = 0.9090909090909091 & \frac{S}T = 0.9166666666666666&\\
&\frac{T}U = 0.9230769230769231 \\
&U^V = 3937376385699289 & V^W = 155568095557812224&\\
&W^X = 6568408355712890625 &X^Y = 295147905179352825856&\\
&Y^Z = 118587876497 \\
EDIT corrected precision issue. Thanks to @f'' !
If I need to supply more calculations, let me know what you'd like! (One per customer, please)
I'd like to know:
What values do the letters represent?
How were they derived?
I had a link to the actual Flash Calculator, and wanted to supply it to you so that you could do your own experiments, but I can't find it right now.
Maybe It'll turn up eventually...