Break the rule of the following code and find the original text.
4844026700420337026680789437084266769043634877 3123111411311124132311313221113123421112223234 1000111001011110010000101001011001010111101101
Break the rule of the following code and find the original text.
4844026700420337026680789437084266769043634877 3123111411311124132311313221113123421112223234 1000111001011110010000101001011001010111101101
The text is: "I am a decryption genius".
The decryption is based on the Telephone Keypad. The first line gives the key number, the second line gives the letter number and the third gives if you need to consider this letter or not. So basically you just need to decode the letters with '1' in the last line.