OK, so on reflection my original answer shown below in italics was not entirely correct. For n>=4 player n-2 should never pass.
(Original non-optimal strategy for n>=4)... For n>3
1..n-3 shoot at n
n-2 shoots or passes depending on specific accuracy of duelists n-2, n-1, and n
n-1 shoots at n
n shoots at n-1
To illustrate this, imagine if four very good shots (accuracy 0.997, 0.998, 0.999, and 1.0 respectively) are in a quaduel. Best strategy for 1 is still to shoot 4, then 2 shoots 3, then 4 shoots 2. But in the 3% of occasions where 1 misses, it is not best for 2 to pass as then 3 shoots 4, 1 passes, 2 shoots 3 and 1 shoots 2. Instead, 2 should shoot 1 and 3 shoots 4, 2 shoots 3 and lives.
Updated conjectures for optimal strategies below:
For n=2
1 shoots at 2
2 shoots at 1
For n=3
1 shoots or passes depending on specific accuracy of each duelist
2 shoots at 3
3 shoots at 2
For n>3
1..n-3 shoot at n
n-2 shoots at n depending on accuracy of duelists n-2, n-1, and n, or shoots n-3
n-1 shoots at n
n shoots at n-1
For n=2 it is clearly better to shoot than to pass as, if 1 has accuracy x and 2 has accuracy y, shooting first gives 1 the probability of survival x/(x+y-xy) which is strictly greater than (x-xy)/(x+y-xy) which is the probability of survival if 1 waits for 2 to shoot first.
For n=3 and probabilities x < y < z for i,2,3 respectively, 1 will shoot if the inequality
(x-xy)(y+z-yz)(x+z-xz) > xy(x+z-xz) + x(z-yz)(x+y-xy)
is true (someone with access to Mathematica may be able to simplify or make better sense than that), otherwise (s)he will pass. This results from the two scenarios:
1) successfully shooting 3 and then being second shot in a duel against 2, or
2) failing to shoot 3 (possibly repeatedly) or waiting for 2 and 3 to fight it out in which case (s)he will end up as first shot in a duel with 2 or 3 (there will be a different probability of each of those cases).
Shooters 2 and 3 are effectively in a duel and will shoot at each other as in the n=2 case.
For n>3
n-1 and n still are still effectively in a duel so will duke it out.
n-2 is in a similar position as in the n=3 case so will make a similar choice to shoot at n (or not). But instead of passing it is better to remove the biggest threat amongst the weaker players. The choice criterion (shoot n or not?) will be a little different than that for the n=3 game, but in most cases not significantly different.
1..n-3 are always better off if they eventually end up as '3rd-man' in a duel where the stronger players are weaker shots so, for example in the n=4 situation, 1 would rather face 2 and 3 than 2 and 4 or 3 and 4, so the weaker players are always be happy to shoot at the strongest surviving player.
I think these tactics are will be valid for most situations. But for 5 or more players, if they are all very strong, there may be situations where it is still occasionally better for some weaker players to pass.