Young, in sinc, think two lines narrow, I'm why a bee won't cast a shadow.
What am I?
I'm not actually Young
Young, in sinc, think two lines narrow, I'm why a bee won't cast a shadow.
What am I?
I'm not actually Young
Light diffraction
in sinc
refers to the mathematical function
sinc(x) = sin(x)/x
, which often comes up in analysis of diffraction patterns
think two lines narrow
refers to the Double Slit Experiment, a simple demonstration of diffraction patterns
I'm why a bee won't cast a shadow
A bee's shadow, unless the bee is rather close to the ground, gets diffracted to the point where you can't see anything.
The phenomenon you are riddling about is the Particle / Wave nature of light
Thomas Young, famous for the double slit experiment
In sinc
alluding to the fourier transform of the two box functions that produce the slits. The planar intensity of the light will be a sinc function.
think two lines narrow
again, two narrow slits used in the experiment