This is a second guess.
Is it a(n)
My name sounds like a bird
The Yellow-bellied or Red-breasted SapSUCKER
Whole body like the tongue of a Lizard
They get all sticky
Am different colors
Just about every brand of sucker comes in many colors, including suckers that have different colors
And can well very be littered
Discarded suckers can litter a floor, just look in any Elementary school hallway on November 1st.
My energy melts away over time
But not quite like an ice
A suckers energy (and I don't know if this means caloric content or just the fact that the sucker exists) melts away, not quite like ice with repeated licking/sucking
And when not taken care of,
I'll collect dust and lice
The aforementioned stickiness can make all sorts of pick cling to a sucker.
Is it a(n)
My name sounds like a bird
Whole body is like tongue of a lizard
long, narrow and forked at the end
Am different colors
the fletchings can be very colorful
And I well can be very littered
definition of Litter from Merriam-Webster:
a messy pile or group of things
My energy melts away over time
But not quite like an ice
arrows wear out over time. After a few years of use, they become less straight, and cannot fly as far.
And when not taken care of
I'll collect dust and lice
If left unattended, the arrows will collect dust, and lice if the fletchings are made from true feathers