Hacker Harry really wants to get into the server room at a local dot com company, so he dressed up as a phone repairman and planted some bugs in the break room to listen in on the workers. Sure enough, against all security common sense, he hears two employees discussing the entry codes!
"So the code to get into the server room is CentOS right?"
"For the main door, yes, but don't forget we added a code to the second door, and the rack door itself as well."
"Oh, that's right. Uhh, it was Tomcat and NodeJS, right?"
"Yup, but remember, memorize it, don't write it down!"
Hacker Harry couldn't believe his luck. That very night he broke into the office, but to his chagrin the lock on the server room door was a combination lock! It had 100 numbers on the dial, everything from 00 to 99, but then what in the world did the codes mean?
Quick! Before Harry gets caught by security, what is the correct combination to the three doors, and how do the codes provide the combination?
Hint 1:
The combination lock follows the standard setup. That is, it requires three numbers to open, so each of the three combination will be comprised of three numbers.