
I received an email from your friend:

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Title: A passage


Today, i went to the pharmacy. I asked the staff, "How much is

a bottle of alcohol? I has not much at home." The staff replied,

"$10 per 100mL, not many money needed." So I decided to buy

2L of alohol.

After I went back home, Jeff called me, "Does you have any

alcohol? I want some." I replied, "Your have already gotten

1L of alcohol from me! I don't wan to give you any more alcohol!

I have only same alcohol left at home after giving you the 1L!"

I was puzzled. Could anyone help me to find out why my friend sent me the email?

Hint 1:

Look at the tag below.


1 Answer 1


First, detect the words in the passage that need to be edited in order for the passage to make sense:

Today, i to went to the pharmacy. I asked the staff, "How much is

a bottle of alcohol? I has not much at home." The staff replied,

"$10 per 100mL, not many money needed." So I decided to buy

2L of alohol.

After I went back home, Jeff called me, "Does you have any

alcohol? I want some." I replied, "Your have already gotten

1L of alcohol from me! I don't wan to give you any more alcohol!

I have only same alcohol left at home after giving you the 1L!"

Then, edit the words:

Today, I went to the pharmacy. I asked the staff, "How much is

a bottle of alcohol? I have not much at home." The staff replied,

"$10 per 100mL, not much money needed." So I decided to buy

2L of alcohol.

After I went back home, Jeff called me, "Do you have any

alcohol? I want some." I replied, "You have already gotten

1L of alcohol from me! I don't want to give you any more alcohol!

I have only some alcohol left at home after giving you the 1L!"

Put the words into a list, and you have the answer:

I Have Much Alcohol Do You Want Some

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Don't forget the 'your' between your fourth and fifth words! :) You might also consider the lower-case 'i' in the first line... $\endgroup$
    – Stiv
    Commented Jul 19, 2020 at 16:33
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ This is the correct answer! Checkmark incoming! $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 0:40

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