I have attempted to hide as much information as I can within as little words as possible, while it still makes sense. And while the following paragraph does indeed make sense, that doesn't mean it's easy to read...
This took a very long time to work out, but the following paragraph contains 12 clues, all hidden in different ways:
Text version:
hidden secretly within this text. only some people cAn advancetowards the answer, endure their exceptional logic. now only you might get the correct answer here. try to solve this, iF you instantly identify The appropriate interpretation, incredible work - i will clap. as people approach a unique answer it will bEcome clear what is needed involving solving steps. i hope eveRybody has won. no Use in waiting for thecorrect answer to have seen somebody else, 'investigate these words!', beseeches i.
(I have provided both an image and text, each make some things clearer than the other, and there may be minor differences but the answer(s) remain unchanged)
These clues will lead to you to a set of words, which combined with instructions from other clues, will give you the final answer. The final answer is a single word that describes the above puzzle.
The only other thing you need for this puzzle is the knowledge that all punctuation should be ignored.
Can you find all the clues and the final word?
For those interested, this is not needed but the text itself says:
Clues hidden secretly within this text. Only some people can advance towards the answer, endure their exceptional logic. Now only you might get the correct answer here. Try to solve this, if you instantly identify the appropriate interpretation, incredible work - I will clap. As people approach a unique answer it will become clear what is needed involving solving steps. I hope everybody has won. No use in waiting for the correct answer to have seen somebody else, 'investigate these words!', beseeches I.