My prefix is evil, in 5 letters.
My infix is an abbreviation, in 3 letters.
My suffix is in past tense, in 3 letters.
Together, they have no intersection.
What am I?
My prefix is evil, in 5 letters.
My infix is an abbreviation, in 3 letters.
My suffix is in past tense, in 3 letters.
Together, they have no intersection.
What am I?
I think the answer is
My prefix is evil.
demon - a creature from the abyss
My infix is an abbreviation.
str is an abbreviation for street
My suffix is in past tense.
ate is the past tense form of eat
Together, they have no intersection.
All the affixes put together with no intersection yields demonstrate.
My guess:
My prefix is evil.
ill is a synonym for evil
My infix is an abbreviation.
UST is an abbreviation for the United States Treasury,
My suffix is in past tense.
rated is in its past tense form
Together, they have no intersection.
All the affixes put together with no intersection yields illustrated.
My prefix is evil
Mal <-- a prefix for "bad" or "evil"
My infix is an abbreviation
Evo for evolution
My suffix is in past tense
lent, as in the past tense of lend
I think the answer is
My prefix is evil.
Dis encompasses the sixth through ninth circles of hell so could be described as evil.
My infix is an abbreviation.
Par is an abbreviation for paragraph
My suffix is in past tense.
Ate is the past tense of eat
Together, they have no intersection.
Disparate describes things so unlike that there is no basis for comparison.
You might be
My prefix is evil.
CROW - a raven, possibly synonymous with a crow (same genus) is depicted historically as an evil presence
My infix is an abbreviation.
D - D can be the abbreviation for many things: Day, December, Decimal, etc.
My suffix is in past tense.
ED - ED is often added to words to make them past tense
(Yes, probably a stretch)
Together, they have no intersection.
All parts are separate with no overlap - CROW-D-ED
Compact - Many things in a compact area would be CROWDED.
Also, if a compact car was very crowded, it may not make it to the next intersection.
The answer could be
My prefix is evil.
ill is a synonym for evil
My infix is an abbreviation.
UMIN is an abbreviation for the University Medical Information Network
My suffix is in past tense.
ate is the past tense form of eat
Together, they have no intersection.
All the affixes put together with no intersection yields illuminate.