You have been invited to join a secret cryptography society, but you have to decode this message and meet at the location.
This is the email you receive:
Let's learn your times tables!
$5$ X 8 = 74
2 X $3$ =$ $12
2$5$ X 1$0$7 = 2794
41$ $X $46$ =$ $279
3$52$ X$ $75 = $55$6
65$ $X $5$ = 9$3$1
$52$8546$ $ X $17$ = 382799$6$
94$ $X $32$6 = $78$
57$ $X $4$0$4$ =$ $1234567890
$32$0 X$ $753 = $49$467
494$ $X $46$ =$ $573
$56$ X$ $367 = $56$
683$ $X $52$85 =$ $748
$53$4 X$ $749 = $176$
7552$ $X 73$32$ =$ $278
Now you've learnt your times tables, it's time to$87$
Pbzr naq svaq hf!
Where are you supposed to meet?
You need to go into edit mode to see it
Other hint:
Why isn’t everything encrypted with mathjax?