With three I'm a worker
With four I'm against you
With seven I have an anagram that steals
With all eight I save you
Inspired on @tyobrien template
With three I'm a worker
With four I'm against you
With seven I have an anagram that steals
With all eight I save you
Inspired on @tyobrien template
I think the answer is:
With three I'm a worker
ANT(Ants being social workers is a common crossword clue.)
With four I'm against you
ANTI(Anti-means opposing someone/something)
With seven I have an anagram that steals
As pointed out by others, this is BANDITO which is Spanish/Mexican for bandit.
With all eight I save you
ANTIBODY is what saves us from diseases and by extension from death.
tag to indicate it also steps outside the realm of English (see the description associated with the tag).