This is inspired by the Cryptic Family Reunion series by Jeremy Dover.
There are ten cryptic clues below, and the answers to all of them follow a single theme. The definition of each clue has also been replaced by a family member.
The enumeration of each clue is left out, but the clues are arranged such that their clue answers are arranged by increasing word length. If two or more clue answers have the same word length, those clue answers are also arranged alphabetically. Also, if the puzzle is unanswered for a day, the enumerations will be included.
Your task is to figure out the answer to each cryptic clue, and the theme all clue answers follow.
- Uncle is fat, as far as I've heard.
- Mother's decently backing very, very organized leader.
- Grandpa's boss initially gets closer to me in vast cold region up north... and I left.
- Upon coming back, train a black-belter's adopted daughter.
- Aunt taking cover, and among other things, hiding close to mother.
- Father, 50, gets featured in song after illness occurs.
- Niece deflected worries about a device used for heating.
- Son, at nine in the morning, stops at untidy room with nephew.
- Grandma's club receives direction beforehand, but has surprisingly no aid in the end.
- Son is bashed in vain; zero ultimately reacting to drama? Man, that's funny.