My Indian friend Jamal recently participated in the well-known TV quiz show Who wants to be a millionaire?. You might have heard or read about Jamal's spectacular success; the media reported on it extensively.
Here is what Jamal told us about his 500 Euro question:
I knew the answer to the 500 Euro question right away, even before Prem Kumar started to read the four answers; however, I didn't spot it until he was done reading.
Answer A was the exact opposite of what the man normally asked for. B was much too Grecian for him, and when you made it with one of those, you usually didn't use vodka (which he preferred). Answer C described the type of glass it was contained in, and not how it was made, and I certainly didn't recall him constantly being at a New Year's celebration. Hence I gave D as my answer. Prem asked if it was my final decision. I said yes. Correct, once again, a big shiny smile from Prem, and we moved on to the next question.
What was the 500 Euro question?
What were the four possible answers A, B, C, D?