What is this? The answer consists of three words.
→ • ←
< ▢ ▭ ▭
< ▭ ▢ <
▢ < ▭ ▢
▢ ▭ < <
▭ ▢ < ▭
▭ < ▢ ▢
This represents
is scissors,▭
is paper and▢
is rock.
The→ • ←
at the top tells us to look at the middle symbol in the diagram, and indeed the column on the right shows which of the two other symbols is the winner:
< ▢ ▭ ▭
paper beats rock
< ▭ ▢ <
scissors beats paper
▢ < ▭ ▢
rock beats scissors
▢ ▭ < <
scissors beats paper
▭ ▢ < ▭
paper beats rock
▭ < ▢ ▢
rock beats scissors
As for the title
The game is played with your hand, nothing else is needed!