There's a restaurant that's heard that Vowelburger™ riddles don't satiate like they used to, so it's decided to start selling more sophisticated burgers.
The menu says they sell a False Vowelburger™, a Real Vowelburger™, and a Lookalike Vowelburger™. You know that each burger comes with three buns and two meat choices, in the order bun-meat-bun-meat-bun, with the same type and order of buns on each. Oddly, though, the menu won't tell you what the meats are...
$$ \def\S#1#2{\Space{#1}{20px}{#2px}}\def\P#1{\V{#1em}}\def\V#1{\S{#1}{9}} \def\T{\textbf{Meats}}\def\NT{\textbf{Vowelburger}^{\;\!™}\ }\displaystyle \smash{\lower{29px}\bbox[yellow]{\phantom{\rlap{rubio.2020.01.21-custom}\S{5px}{0} \begin{array}{cc}\T&\NT\\\end{array}}}}\atop\def\V#1{\S{#1}{5}} \begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline\T&\NT\\\hline % ~\text{?, ?}&\text{False}\\\hline ~\text{?, ?}&\text{Real}\\\hline ~\text{?, ?}&\text{Lookalike}\\\hline \end{array}$$
Meats | Vowelburger™ |
?, ? | False |
?, ? | Real |
?, ? | Lookalike |
But you're a Vowelburger™ veteran. Can you guess what the meats are without looking at the menu?
While the other two should be doable, I realized after posting that the clue for "Real" is extremely obscure. The connection comes from quantum mechanics, but even if you Google "real qubit" (which is what the term is), the term is so obscure that finding it will still require some digging. I realize this makes for a poor puzzle, so I apologize for that. I'll wait until tomorrow and then post the one term if no one finds it.
As a marketing ploy, the restaurant's strategy team was also thinking of instituting a Secret Vowelburger™. Can you tell them why it would be a bad idea because the CIA would come knocking?
p.s. I reused the template from the last Vowelburgers™ riddle. You can find other Vowelburgers™ Riddles [here]( Find the first one [here]( Note that buns = consonants and meats = vowels still.P.S. You can find other Vowelburgers™ Riddles here. Find the first one here. Note that buns = consonants and meats = vowels still.