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To clarify this, because it confused me at first: rot13(Guvf ersref gb gur guerr ebjf bs obkrf (abg avar ebjf bs qbgf). Pynver'f zrgubq, ba gur bgure unaq, ersref gb gur avar pbyhzaf bs qbgf (abg guerr pbyhzaf bs obkrf).).
Only vaguely. A lot of the 3x3 blocks look like letters or other characters, but a few don't look like anything coherent. Lots of moves / codes possible, none of them obviously relevant.
I was almost going to give this answer, except incorrectly reversed because I overlooked the first step. Anyway, while this demonstrates who wins, is it possible that they could win by a bigger margin by following a different strategy (even if the other one also chooses optimally)?