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dan04's user avatar
dan04's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Houston, TX
56 votes

My twin was born 16 days before me. Who am I?

11 votes

Today I am 20 but next year I will turn 22

10 votes

I am a giant among ants

10 votes

Whatever it is, it should be in a museum

9 votes

Pseudo Roman Cipher

9 votes

Scooby Don't - Enigmatic Puzzle

9 votes

A [Song from Taylor Swift's second album] Puzzle

8 votes

Help me open my safe

8 votes

Why are the tires flat on one side?

7 votes

6, 10, 12, and 15 go out for dinner

6 votes

A man dies because the number is 88 too high

5 votes

PSE Advent Calendar 2021 (Day 2): A Christmas Tree for broke Nerds

5 votes

The number stalker who nobody loves

4 votes

The harsh password change

4 votes

Cheryl and her annoying birthday

3 votes

How to solve 1 2 3 4 5 = 5 4 3 2 1 (insert five pluses to make it equal)? A thorough solution needed

2 votes

What next step could I take to solve the Dec. 4 cryptoquote from the Wisconsin State Journal?

2 votes

An odd memo to be left lying around

2 votes

PSE Advent Calendar 2021 (Day 9): 🎄Christmas songs in emoji🎅

2 votes

What is a Tetris Word™?

2 votes

Optimize a keyboard for one-finger typing

1 vote

What is an Eco-Friendly Word™?

0 votes

True or Faulse?

0 votes

Optimize a keyboard for one-finger typing

0 votes

Pigpen cipher decoding makes no sense, can somebody decode it?

0 votes

Probability that truth is spoken on Thursdays

0 votes

Any help with decoding this cypher?