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20 votes

Match the blocks

This is pretty fun indeed! :) Don't forget to read @trolley813's concise proof (and upvote it :P)
Omega Krypton's user avatar
20 votes

We're just hanging out, man

I believe your partner is the words are and the significance of your games is that The five words so far are The sixth must have been and the reason you have not heard from him is that and ...
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
17 votes

Match the blocks

Took another approach...
NashVio's user avatar
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16 votes

Reverse dots and boxes

I would suggest an alternate (simpler) strategy:
Smock's user avatar
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15 votes

25 square puzzle

Here is another simpler proof This generalises to all odd n. For even n, however, ...
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
15 votes

Reconstruct the lost labyrinth of Knossos

Final maze! Logic: Reconstruction Venturing into the maze Getting lost Making connections Middle man Cracking the code Finishing the maze! And from here, it's fairly simple to trace out the ...
Beastly Gerbil's user avatar
14 votes

Match the blocks

I found a different way to solve it. Note that this doesn't disprove @trolley813's proof - it only shows one part of the proof is incorrect:
Rob Watts's user avatar
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14 votes

Match the blocks

Well, not strictly an answer (since I've found exactly the same as one already posted), but rather a proof that other ways are not possible:
trolley813's user avatar
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10 votes

They are all linked!

First, the solved Blue letters Red letters Green letters Dotted regions What do these seven things have in common?
AxiomaticSystem's user avatar
9 votes

Reverse dots and boxes, swastika edition

First player wins Example:
Sconibulus's user avatar
  • 19.8k
9 votes

$\verb|Eight Circles|$

Maybe I am misunderstanding the puzzle, but it seemed straightforward to I literally plopped down circles as random as I could (but aligned to a grid, for ease of working) in a convenient drawing ...
Just a student's user avatar
9 votes

Pigpen Tic-Tac-Toe

The game: So the winner is... First lets deduce what the words must be: And now we can fill in the grid, turn by turn: And from here, calculating the scores will find that
Beastly Gerbil's user avatar
9 votes

A game of some consequence

Let's call the players S(tiv), T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z, in the order that their answers are on Stiv's sheet. Below are the lists that each player ended up with at the end of the night, in clockwise ...
stewartIM's user avatar
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8 votes

Can you draw a path visiting the numbers in order without crossing itself?

... seems to work. (Brief) explanation of how I found it: Nice puzzle!
praosylen's user avatar
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8 votes

Paper, pencil and a bunch of bars

This game is So in this case If we take "rational" to mean that when either player had a winning move they took it then Now So
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
8 votes

Another 'Find the Path' Puzzle

I solve it in two stages. First stage is The second stage is
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
8 votes

The Wee County begriddled puzzle

The missing letters are T, H, U, N, and Y. Determining the first letter: Determining a second letter: And a third: And a... problem:
Deusovi's user avatar
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8 votes

Man of War: A Numbers Problem

The most likely solution: Here There are some other somewhat plausible possibilities with different number of machines:
Zizy Archer's user avatar
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7 votes

Can you tie in 3D Tic-Tac-Toe?

It is not possible.
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
7 votes

Man of War: A Numbers Problem

My guess:
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
7 votes

Toroidal tic-tac-toe

The first player On the torus, every pair of points extends to a line of three. And up to symmetry, the first move can be assumed to be the center, and the second move is then either an edge or ...
Ben Reiniger's user avatar
7 votes

The Kyiv Triangle Game

Alice has a winning strategy.
Sny's user avatar
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6 votes

25 square puzzle

The task is Number the grid 1 to 25, from left to right top to bottom. Also, color the grid like a checkerboard so cell 1 is black. Pressing a white cell only changes black cells, and vice versa. <...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 32.6k
6 votes

Tic Tac Toe Recursive

Alice wins. She starts by playing in the center square of the center board (which we'll call board C). Bob sends Alice over to another board, and she plays in the center of that one. Eventually, Bob ...
Deusovi's user avatar
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6 votes

The Hand of God

I can find where the paths are (describing the ball's movement in NSEW; Maradona's moves are implied between direction changes, where he has to move without moving the ball) I observed that Also
Bubbler's user avatar
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6 votes

Noughts and Crosses and... there's more?

First, as clued in the hint, Looking at the grids in the first row, we note that Interpreting Looking at the bottom row of grids
caPNCApn's user avatar
  • 19.4k
5 votes

Domino Tiling Game

For $n = 1$, it's trivial that first player can't win since he can't make any move. Also for $n = 2$, both players can make the moves so the board will be full (by placing two $1 \times 2$ tiles), ...
athin's user avatar
  • 34.3k
5 votes

What Goes Round (Begriddled logic puzzle)

@AxiomaticSystem has already found the correct solution. However, as this question is tagged as logical-deduction I thought it merited a second answer which demonstrates that this solution is entirely ...
Stiv's user avatar
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5 votes

Decision Paralysis

The one with the winning strategy is quite surprisingly First, let us note that First options Case 1 Case 2 Case 2.1
user39583's user avatar
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5 votes

The Kyiv Triangle Game

I only attempt to answer the puzzle by assuming that "triangle" means "small triangle". I started thinking about the problem before understanding how the others could see $27$ ...
Plop's user avatar
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