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Why am I here? What about my dad?

Ok, let's give it a "what the heck, it's friday"-shot. I'd go with Why?
toybaer's user avatar
  • 611
1 vote

The Clock Tower Enigma

The Shadow Hand is The clock doesn’t tell time as expected So the treasure is
acrabb3's user avatar
  • 544
2 votes

The Clock Tower Enigma

In a regular clock There is another
caPNCApn's user avatar
  • 19.4k
1 vote

The Clock Tower Enigma

There are multiple possible ways this can work, so there's no clear-cut solution, but one could be this:
Nautilus's user avatar
  • 6,782
23 votes

decode the pipe

The decoded text is: To decode ... What does it mean?
M Oehm's user avatar
  • 64.7k
1 vote

Why am I here? What about my dad?

I see
Weather Vane's user avatar
  • 14.9k
4 votes

The Fourth Daughter

lulu's user avatar
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-3 votes

An odd odd one out

I think the answer is Because Conclusion
Anthony Heremans's user avatar
2 votes

Who am I? Where do I live?

Maybe this is a stretch but You are a: and you live on To the north: To the west: To the east: To the south: The hint:
Anthony Heremans's user avatar
4 votes

Can you find what these letters might be?

They are: As shown here: With the second pattern being: However, what I can't figure out is:
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 348
4 votes

An odd odd one out

I note that Possibly more interestingly, So I think that
Vicky's user avatar
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-1 votes

Who am I? Where do I live?

This might be a bit of a stretch but: To the north: To the west: To the east: To the south:
The Empty String Photographer's user avatar
-3 votes

An odd odd one out

I believe the answer is Because And
The Empty String Photographer's user avatar
1 vote

Who am I? Where do I live?

You said North isn't always top. So the word North lead me to think in So, maybe the answer is: So, to the North: To the West:...
Pspl's user avatar
  • 2,282
4 votes

Who am I? Where do I live?

I know this is not the answer but I had to post this as 2 thing match very well.... Here goes: What do I mean? What does not fit.... The other 2 (south and east). Or maybe they fit but I didn't get ...
Marius's user avatar
  • 18.4k
13 votes

They come in twos

The missing ones are ... If we ... The title ...
M Oehm's user avatar
  • 64.7k

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