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19 votes

One number grid, two ways to divide it

Solution: Proof it's the smallest:
Jujustum's user avatar
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10 votes

Fill the grid with numbers to make all four equations true

The filled grid: Explanation:
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
9 votes

Fill the grid with numbers to make all four equations true

msh210's user avatar
  • 12.8k
8 votes

The Master Tetrist

Gladys is at Here is the filled in grid: Answers to clues: Across Down I must say I did not use the tetris aspect at all, but just solved the first few clues across/down and worked from there.
Jaap Scherphuis's user avatar
7 votes

Manhattan distance

The place to start is: Now let us place: Moving down the chain: And the next: You guessed it: Finishing up:
Jeremy Dover's user avatar
  • 29.2k
7 votes

A checkered cross - Colombian Sudoku

the answer:……………………………………………. the steps:
tToE's user avatar
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6 votes

The minimal Anti-Sudoku

Strategy We already have a computer solution, so I will try to show how a human can obtain it. The strategy is to set the numbers $1,2,\dots,9$ on the anti-sudoku grid one by one. Let $A$ be the ...
dan_fulea's user avatar
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5 votes

Fill a grid with numbers so that each row/column calculation yields the same number

It is possible to find a solution by hand using more logic and less bruteforcing/guessing. First use Someone's insight: Also note the number 5: and the symmetry of the grid: Make an educated guess: ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 17k
5 votes

Fill a grid with numbers so that each row/column calculation yields the same number

One possible solution is: I found this by I'm not sure
DqwertyC's user avatar
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4 votes

One number grid, two ways to divide it (Part 2)

The least common multiple of 3 and 4 is 12, so the smallest grid must have 12 of each number, with a total area of 48 units. Three rectangular grids of this size have solutions. The 3 x 16 rectangular ...
Daniel Mathias's user avatar
4 votes

Manhattan distance

Since someone beat me to it, I won't post the solve path, but only the key observation, that The solve is easiest if you and the full solution is
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
3 votes

Fill a grid with numbers so that each row/column calculation yields the same number

Nothing clever here, just a programmed evaluation of all permutations. There are three essentially different solutions: Each of these can be manipulated through row/column swaps and/or reflection ...
Daniel Mathias's user avatar
3 votes

Pinwheels - Colombian Sudoku

The answer is:
tToE's user avatar
  • 760
3 votes

The Master Tetrist

The filled grid: The three unclued entries spell
Deusovi's user avatar
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2 votes

Pinwheels - Colombian Sudoku

You can solve the problem via integer linear programming as follows, with binary decision variables $x_{ijk}$ to indicate whether cell $(i,j)$ contains digit $k$: For each region (row, column, or $2\...
RobPratt's user avatar
  • 15.5k
2 votes

Ying Yang 12x12 - Colombian Sudoku

Via integer linear programming, using the formulation described in my answer
RobPratt's user avatar
  • 15.5k
2 votes

Fill the grid with numbers to make all four equations true

AxiomaticSystem's user avatar
1 vote

Fill a grid with numbers so that each row/column calculation yields the same number

Based on other answers that already classified all solutions to the original puzzle, here is an observation that one can solve the puzzle with an additional constraint. Namely one can request that all ...
quarague's user avatar
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1 vote

One number grid, two ways to divide it

When I posted the puzzle, I had a solution whose lower half is different from Jujustum's:
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 17k

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