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22 votes

What is the least number of colours Peter could use to color the 3x3 square?

The minimum is because
xnor's user avatar
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21 votes

Fitting 10 pieces of pizza in a box

Thanks to 2012rcampion for crunching the numbers to find a minimum side length of For this arrangement of slices:
Daniel Mathias's user avatar
18 votes

Fitting 10 pieces of pizza in a box

Here is a simple but rather effective packing: The sides of the square box are Explanation:
Albert.Lang's user avatar
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16 votes

What is the least number of colours Peter could use to color the 3x3 square?

Basically a beginner here. Start with a diagonal. All three cells must have unique colours: Then, the two unshaded corners must be given unique colours because both of them have a diagonal with the ...
matt_rule's user avatar
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15 votes

Use all eight of the given polygons to tile a parallelogram

The total area of all tiles together is With that in mind it doesn't take much time to find:
Albert.Lang's user avatar
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8 votes

Packing cubes into spheres

(partial answer) Simplification Let's start with an intuitive simplification. The cubes must be stacked in independent "layers", where each layer "sits" on $y=k$ for some integer $...
Tom Sirgedas's user avatar
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7 votes

Packing cubes into spheres

Some empirical evidence that n=6 The best axis-aligned configuration I found uses a radius of $1.630998544...$. Here's configuration with $6$ cubes that fits in a sphere with radius ~$1.627$. (The ...
Tom Sirgedas's user avatar
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7 votes

Fitting 10 pieces of pizza in a box

Here's the best setup I could come up with, using unit slices: Achieving a length of Here, the highlighted slice is shifted by $b \approx 0.01626$ in both directions, and the rest of the pieces fit. ...
classicalMpk's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the least number of colours Peter could use to color the 3x3 square?

As described in many answers, five colors is the minimum. Here we bring in the theory of pandiagonal Latin squares to show some hidden features of the solution and allow a generalization to $n×n$ ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the least number of colours Peter could use to color the 3x3 square?

I got by "coloring" with numbers:
Themoonisacheese's user avatar
3 votes

Use all eight of the given polygons to tile a parallelogram

The answer is: ... the reason?
tToE's user avatar
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2 votes

Fitting the 9th piece into the pizza box

I just wrote an HTML canvas here: Picture: HTML: ...
Nautilus's user avatar
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1 vote

Discrete cops and robbers

Nautilus's user avatar
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