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3 votes

Explain how π – 1 + 50 + ⅔ × 1000 is PLONK

I don't have the rep to add a comment, but kagami's explanation is correct. The clue setter's own explanation was presented in this comment:
mcbadger's user avatar
39 votes

Explain how π – 1 + 50 + ⅔ × 1000 is PLONK

I would think that it is: Pi - 1 (I) = P 50 = L 2/3 × 1000 = 2/3 x (ONE thousand) = (two-thirds of ONE) K = ONK
kagami's user avatar
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9 votes

Cryptic crossword: London calling

The solved clues (in the usual cryptic annotation style, with extra letters marked by [[double brackets]]): These do indeed fit into the grid as given: The extra letters The 'rearrangement' is
Deusovi's user avatar
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