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PQR + QR = 1012 alphametic

aperson's user avatar
3 votes

PQR + QR = 1012 alphametic

A bit late but my method is slightly different. So
Mike's user avatar
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4 votes

PQR + QR = 1012 alphametic

Aleph 0's user avatar
  • 41
10 votes

A Pandigital Multiplication

First, One strategy for restricting the remaining search space starts by For example, Furthermore, we have so If you really want the full analysis,... We start with and continue... (warning: ...
noedne's user avatar
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8 votes

A Pandigital Multiplication

Partial answer: Taking of the given equation we get we also know that and therefore For the r.h.s. to have 5 digits If B>2 then if B<=2 then Also, If B=4 then F,G = 9,8 and The latter ...
Albert.Lang's user avatar
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