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This is NOT a general tag for all puzzles that are somehow indirect. A riddle gives indirect clues about an unnamed object or concept to be identified, often in a poem format.

4 votes

the television: a country's finale

This is incomplete, I'll add more if I figure these out, but hopefully this might help someone else! Germany's Cryptics Factory Rome's Riddling Cards Please see xyldke's solution!
WoomyRogue's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

A Linguist in a Cave

I am but a linguist that lives in a cave. I talk with visitors from the central city. When the dragon comes, I invite him inside. The lions stay out, but gain trust and enter. Merchants and messengers …
15 votes

Thinking about this word gave me a headache!

Answer: This was short and sweet, and I quite like it.
WoomyRogue's user avatar
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