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A puzzle related to chess, a two-player board game with white and black pieces of varying ranks.

3 votes
1 answer

Can both chess players promote all their pawns to queens? [duplicate]

In standard chess rules, a pawn is promoted if it reaches the far side of the board. Usually, the pawn's owner chooses to promote it to a queen. … Is it possible for 18 queens to be on the board at once, in a legal game of chess? (Two original queens, plus all promoted pawns). Assume the players co-operate to allow this. …
33 votes
1 answer

Can a chess player promote all pawns to queens?

In standard chess rules, a pawn is promoted if it reaches the far side of the board. Usually, the pawn's owner chooses to promote it to a queen. … Is it possible for one player to eventually promote all their pawns to queens, in a legal game of chess? Assume the opposing player plays "perfectly badly" to allow this. …