**Answer summary** (*thanks to everyone who solved the ones I couldn't*): 1. Chubbier, next not heavy >! Fatter, then light > Faster Than Light (solved by [Saeïdryl][1]) 2. Goku's friend wheat powder >! Krillin's flour > Killing Floor (solved by [Saeïdryl][1]) 3. Legolas' dishonesty >! Elf Lie => Half Life (solved by [Paige Meinke][2]) 4. The Iron man's father balloon for showing-off >! The Stan Lee (creator of Iron Man) parade ball(oon) -> The Stanley Parable 5. Hot beverage for Spartacus' fellows >! <strike>Romans' sake -> No Man's Sky</strike> >! Tea for Thracians -> Team Fortress 1 >! or >! Tea for Thrace (the nation) -> Team Fortress 6. Higher cute marsupial >! More tall wombat -> Mortal Kombat 7. Mixed great geographic feature >! <strike>Stir ocean -> Star Ocean</strike> >! Mountain blend -> Mount & Blade (solved by [Milo P][4]) 8. The 18th Ulysses, the 6th, the 15th and the greek 19th >! Grant (18<sup>th</sup> President) F (6<sup>th</sup> letter of alphabet) O (15<sup>th</sup> letter of alphabet) tau (19<sup>th</sup> letter of Greek alphabet) -> Grand Theft Auto (solved by [Gustavo Gabriel][5]) 9. Assault a person >! Mug a man -> Megaman 10. Evening meal animal flesh in hot water >! Supper meat boil -> Super Meat Boy [1]: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/61839/43477 [2]: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/61840/43477 [4]: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/61850/43477 [5]: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/61842/43477