I found a Very Difficult IQ Test on web. You are the guys who are looking for things like this, so it may look familiar for you.
one of it's questions is: 

> What is the box suggesting?

>![enter image description here][1]

>1. 123456789
>2. 176h54308
>3. 627456934
>4. 126485704
>5. 673258719

I have seen the answer and it is the first option (123456789), but there was no clues for the logic behind of that.

So, what is the logic?

source: [allthetests.com][2]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/zhnZu.jpg
  [2]: http://www.allthetests.com/quiz18/quiz/1139060031/Very-Difficult-IQ-Test