One answer could be

>! 0

Because if you 

>! Multiply first digit with $x$ and second digit with $y$ you get the following sequence: 
>!$$\left\{2x+6y, 2x, 4y, x+6y, x, 2y, x+4y \right\} $$The sequence of the differences between each term is $$\left\{6y, 2x-4y, -x-2y, 6y, x-2y, -x-2y,\right\}$$If second term $(2x-4y)$ and 5th $(x-2y)$ term are equal then certainly there is a pattern. If they are equal then $x=2y$ and the transformed sequence become $$\left\{10y, 4y, 4y, 8y, 2y, 2y, 6y \right\}$$ and the sequence of differences become $$\left\{6y, 0, -4y, 6y, 0, -4y,\right\}$$Hence the next term (answer) will be $6y$ less then the term before which makes it $6y-6y=0$ 

If you don't want to go in details just
>! multiply the first digit with $2$ and the second digit with $1$, sum it to transform the sequence. You will see the some pattern.