Is it:
>! Life

I come in every shape and every form   
In society I'm nothing special I'm the norm
>! Life is everywhere, in many form, and the norm in society.

Without me there would be no control  
They would die, the things filled with petrol
>! Without life there will be no control, after sometime it become ancient fossilized organic materials or petroleum.

If a being placed me a specific way   
Even though they see me every day
>! We see life everyday, but some we put on pedestal.

Some beings come to a special place  
Just to see me and look at my grace
>! We go to the graveyard to honor life passed away

The ones who would appreciate me the most  
They can't see me, because of the ability they lost
>! We miss life the most when we about to die, we can't see life again simply because we lost it.

>! Life is a concept