Partial for image #1: >! com + $e$ + ? + ? = **come + ?** >! [Muse]( - E4 + I + $c$ = **music** Answer for Image #2 (thanks to help from the comments): >! Bible is actually a trilogy Because: - >! bib + le (French "the") = Bible - >! [Isaac]( - A(cceleration) = is ac - >! 3 ⋅ [Tualatin]( = first three letters = tua - >! [Eli Lilly and Co]( stock symbol **LLY** - >! at = a + t - >! [RIL]( + [OG]( + y What I have above is "on the right path". Here's what else I've come up with For image #1, could the book represent this? >! To me I want to say the image to the right of that is this, (but I'm pretty sure it's wrong): >! Wings of an angle [sic]