Took a bit of time but with today's clue, I think I've got a solution. The carols are spoilered separately at first for anyone who wants to check without seeing my other identifications. First, we start by converting the Solfege into the carols: >! 1. Good king Wenceslas >! 2. Love came down at Christmas >! 3. We three kings of orient are >! 4. Our day of joy is here again >! 5. Hark! The herald angels sing >! 6. Silent night, Holy night >! 7. Redeemer of the nations, come Next, sort them into >! Alphabetical order: >! >! - Good king Wenceslas >! - Hark! The herald angels sing >! - Love came down at Christmas >! - Our day of joy is here again >! - Redeemer of the nations, come >! - Silent night, Holy night >! - We three kings of orient are and extract letters by >! Removing punctuation and spacing, and reading diagonally downwards, in keeping with the Professor's name and preferred temperature: >! >! ```Goodkingwenceslas``` >! ```hArktheheraldangelssing``` >! ```loVecamedownatchristmas``` >! ```ourDayofjoyishereagain``` >! ```redeEmerofthenationscome``` >! ```silenTnightholynight``` >! ```WethreEkingsoforientare``` to give us >! GAVDETE in [Classical Latin]( So the 8th carol must be >! _Gaudete, gaudete! Christus est natus_ >! which is only appropriate for [Gaudete Sunday]( - credit to @Stiv for the connection