Gladys is in >! the [Matsesta Microdistrict]( Explanation: >!<pre>MATS not MAC 1,2 MA >!PATSY not PACY 3,4 TS >!SETS not SEC 2,4 ES >!TSONGA not CONGA 1,6 TA >!MISC not MISTS 1,2 MI >!CARS not TSARS 1,3 CR >!DOC not DOTS 2 O >!DITSY not DICY 1,2,DIS >!PITS not PIC 3 T >!ARC not ARTS 2 R >!SIC not SITS 2,3 IC >!ITSY not ICY 2 T</pre> where >! each "X not Y" is a word meaning X in which we can replace C with TS or vice versa to get a word meaning Y; we then extract letters at the given positions. Credit where due: >! Jay and Omega Krypton solved some of the clues before I did, though as it happens I didn't look at their answers.