The following words are Bedspread Words™ because:

>! Using the standard number of tiles in a Scrabble set, a blank tile will be needed to write out the word.  If you lookup "Bedspread" in a thesaurus, you will find the word "**Blank**et", which makes sense in this case.


>! [![number of scrabble pieces in standard set][1]][1]

>! **X**ERO**X** (1 X in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! **F**LU**FF**Y (2 Fs in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! **J**U**J**ITSU (1 J in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! **B**U**BB**LES (2 Bs in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! E**C**LE**C**TI**C** (2 Cs in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! **P**INEA**PP**LE (2 Ps in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! C**H**I**H**UA**H**UA (2 Hs in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! CLOC**K**WOR**K** (1 K in Scrabble, 1 blank tile);  
>! CO**MM**UNIS**M** (2 Ms in Scrabble, 1 blank tile).


Words which are not Bedspread Words™

>! can be made with the standard Scrabble letter count.

ZIGZAGGING is a Double Bedspread Word™ because:

>!ZI**G**ZA**GG**IN**G** (3 Gs and 1 Z in Scrabble, 1 blank tile for G, 1 blank tile for Z)...  
>! Therefore, two blank (bedspread) tiles are needed.
