<img src="https://i.sstatic.net/viYBS.jpg" alt="outlet, 2 timers, bulb"> <br> Two motorized 24-hour [light timers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_switch) are [daisy chained](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisy_chain_%28electrical_engineering%29) between a power outlet and a light bulb. For these timers, devise schedules and choose initial times that produce the following lighting pattern with the largest possible whole number $n$, beginning when the outlet's power is switched on: $~~~$ On for 1/2 hour,$~$ off for $n$ hours, <br> $~~~~$ on for 1/2 hour,$~$ off for $n$ hours, <br> $~~~~$ on for 1/2 hour,$~$ off for $n$ hours, <br> $~~~~~~\vdots$ ### If you are unfamiliar with these timers Each timer repeatedly cycles through its schedule of 24 intervals that last an hour apiece. <br> •$~$ A circular dial determines the current point in the schedule <br> •$~$ A motor rotates the dial to advance through its schedule whenever power is supplied to the timer <br> •$~$ You may initially set the dial to any minute of any interval <br> •$~$ You may preset each interval to ON or OFF <br> •$~$ When the dial is in an interval that was set to ON, the timer becomes a direct connection for power to flow to whatever is plugged into the timer <br> •$~$ When the dial is in an interval that was set to OFF, the timer does not provide a connection between what is plugged into it and what it plugs into The first timer is plugged into the outlet. <br> •$~$ It runs nonstop after the outlet is switched on <br> •$~$ It supplies power—but only when its dial is in an ON interval—to the second timer The second timer has the light bulb plugged into it. <br> •$~$ It advances through its schedule only when the first timer supplies power <br> •$~$ It lights the bulb, but only while powered by the first timer and when its dial is in an ON interval.