Work in Progress - --- $E$ and $I$ >! Visited on Saturday, February 10th, 2018. $D$ and $G$ >! Visited on Wednesday, January 24th, 2018. $J$ and $A$ >! Visited on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018. $C$ and $B$ >! Visited on Saturday, April 21st, 2018. $F$ and $H$ >! Visited on Saturday, February 3rd, 2018. --- Reasoning - $A$ not after $J$ but $28$ days after $F$. >! This tells us that $A$ cannot visit after $J$ nor before $28$ days after $F$ has visited. Thus the smart thing to do is to pair $A$ with $J$ since this is not technically after $J$ (which threw me off as I was avoiding the pairing until I read the phrase more carefully). $J$ in **March**; at least $50$ days prior to $C$ on the same day of the week. >! This tells us that $C$ comes after $J$ and that $J$ is in **March**. $D$ and $G$ visited together, exactly $10$ days prior to $H$. >! This statement is pretty obvious. With the follow on statement regarding $E$ and $I$ we know that $H$ is on a Saturday, and thus $D$ and $G$ visit on a Wednesday 10 days prior. $E$ and $I$ visited together on **February 10th** and $H$ visited on the same day of the week. >! This gives us a fully taken date, which is a Saturday, and thus allows us to understand that $H$ also comes on a Saturday.