Let me take the English word **"stone"** as an example: > Replacing the string "one" by the corresponding number "1" allows me to write **stone** as **st1** In Dutch, "stone" is translated to "steen" and "one" is translated to "een". > Replacing the string "een" by the corresponding number "1" allows me to write **steen** as **st1** Now note that both in English and in Dutch this replacement process leads to the same string **"st1"**. **Question:** What is the longest example of this type that you can come up with? Notes: * The translation of the numbers can't be the same in both languages. * The score of the word is based on the amount of number/letters in the word that contains the letters/numbers (not the words with letters only) * The number cant refere to a number in a word like 100000ling (100000 would refer to a number) ---------- Current highscore points word user Language ______________________________________________ 3 st1 Sven b nl-en