17 is >! the entrance to the Rockefeller Plaza and for a final answer: >! Pick the $[(n-1)\pmod{10}+1]$-th letter from the $n$-th answer: >! >! 1. **G**rand Canyon >! 2. H**o**llywood >! 3. Ho**o**ver Dam >! 4. Nia**g**ara Falls >! 5. Zoca**l**o >! 6. Statu**e** of Liberty >! 7. Floren**c**e Cathedral >! 8. Victori**a** Harbour >! 9. Colliseu**m** >! 10. Eiffel Tow**e**r >! 11. **R**ijksmuseum >! 12. T**a**j Mahal >! 13. Sy**d**ney Opera House >! 14. Not**r**e Dame >! 15. Buck**i**ngham Palace >! 16. The Lo**v**ers Bridge >! 17. Rockef**e**ller Plaza >! 18. Red Squa**r**e >! >! **GOOGLE CAMERA DRIVER**