>! It's [Mithrandir][1] His head sounds like a myth, with an eye for why <br> Endless, it says to meet but briefly so, <br> standing for the very famous MA institute. <br> >! Mith is the head, sounds like Myth also i -> y <br> >! MA Institute -> MIT, front of *Mit*hrandir Then comes the first name of another puzzler, we all are very familiar with <br> named after the prime of a time wheel with <br> a horse god at his feet, whose kind really starts six places later. <br> >! At last, anger or annoy without end— <br> its birth is half the death, where the dawn is equally four sided of <br> any trio’s total member number. <br> >! Bonus: >! There was a [dispute][2] about you posting their rhyme. [1]: https://literature.stackexchange.com/users/58/mithrandir [2]: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/53992/babys-drink-mathematicians-think