The message was misinterpreted initially. The first message actually says to kill ORIOLE, and MALAMUTE was never targeted. Part 1: >! The key is to look for "SLIM ICE" and "MUTED". The trick with "SLIM ICE" is that the person AFTER the immediate name after "SLIM ICE" is targeted. eg: "SLIM ICE" ; (SKIP) ; (target) Explaining the second target: >! Remember how I said we also have to keep an eye out for "MUTED"? In the first 2 messages, MUTED is placed before a pair of words that are NOT animals. If we are to assume that if a name isn't an animal, then it isn't an agent, it makes sense. "MUTED" is used to target the next name following the pair; eg: MUTED AARDVARK; (target) This makes it so that TUNER can see "Oh, this guy isn't an agent because it's not an animal" but if TUNER sees an animal, he can say "OK, I'm targeting this guy as well." These 2 patterns fit in with all 3 messages and targets. Essentially, the rule here is: "Check the pair of words after "MUTED AARDVARK". Is it an animal? If yes, target. If not, ignore." But, why? >! Because you can "ICE" someone (archaic slang for killing someone). Also, you SILENCE your enemies (hence MUTED).