#Partial Answer:

Adding to the  @[GarethMcCaughan's ♦ answer](https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/71066/this-is-for-duck-original-version/72207#72207), could another hidden word be

>! **TEAL**?

`Less erratic the challenge, but words you must spot; tedious, frivolous, dumbfounded plot`

>! If you get the first two letters of **te**dious, **fr**ivolous, **du**mbfounded, you can get a secret message.


>! A **te**al is a **fr**eshwater **du**ck; the definition of a type of duck known as a **TEAL**.


>! This message is less erratic because there is an obvious pattern here once found. A way to find this pattern is to look at the following words: le**ss**, e**rr**atic, and cha**ll**enge. As highlighted in bold, they each have two of the same letters, hinting out this pattern.

`Approaching the end, but head to the west; Indians have hints, at puzzles, the best.`

>! @GarethMcCaughan most likely figured out the hidden duck in this passage, but

could another one be



>! The word "**hints**" sounds like "**sprints**" which might refer to running; the word **erratic** sounds like **erect** and this duck stands **erect** (like penguins); the word **dumbfounded** sounds like **domestic** and this duck is a breed of *Anas platyrhynchos* ***domesticus***.

`Black belly, white face, solve this with grace; prefix to scar, the suffix bled in a race.`

>! This might be a reference to [*Sophia Grace & Rosie's Royal Adventure: Magic Duck*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRIySEm1Vps). The word **solve** sounds like **Sophia** and the line also contains the word **grace**; the name **Rosie** sounds like **roses**, which are red (like **scars** and **blood**).