- *'Bypass'* is a word which belongs to the first half with a special feature while the words *'boast'*, *'bracket'*, *'nebulous'* and *'plague'* doesn't belong. - *'Shadow'* is another such word which belongs to the second half while the words *'scarf'*, *'sealing'*, *'mudslide'* and *'ethyl'* doesn't belong. ---------- - The names of Capital Cities which belong to the first half with that feature are: >*Funafuti, Lobamba, Lome* and *London* ---------- - The names of Countries which belong to the second half with that feature are: >*Venezuela* and *Zambia* ---------- 1. ***What are the names of four Countries which belong to the first half?*** 2. ***What are the names of three Capital Cities which belong to the second half?***