On this site, [rot13][1] is often used to encrypt comments so spoilers can be spoken about. Rot13 is a cipher, in which each letter is shifted 13 letters forward (or backward) in the alphabet.

There are certain words in the English alphabet which once rot13ed, form a new word. **Your task is to find the name for this type of word pair.**

The following sentences clue a pair. For instance, the sentence...

>’Muzzle the explosive.’ 

... would clue ‘gag’ and ‘tnt’, and rot13ing ‘gag’ gives ‘tnt’, and vice versa.

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**Find the pairs and place them in the given grid.** The highlighted letters will give the name you are looking for... or will they?

> 1.  A colour of planet earth 
2.	Someone renouncing a non-existent place
3.	A grenade was delivered
4.	Block the single
5.	A small insect will harass you
6.	Jealousy of transport method
7.	A flutter at the same time
8.	Old hum is measurement
9.	Covering recedes

[![enter image description here][2]][2]  

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#What should these be called?

  [1]: https://rot13.com
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/oXAcB.jpg