I am the hidden land

>! Tolkien occasionally referred to Lothlorien as 'the hidden land'

    Where man may not tread but wildlife can

>! Man, Dwarves, orc etc. are forbidden from entering Lothlorien without the permission of the elves
    Here a group in full did travel
    By peak twilight, by horse and paddle

>! If we look at the history of lothlorien, it was initially settled by Silvan elves of Nandorin descent. Some time later the Sindar elves arrived and *enriched* the population and culture of Lothlorien

    The group spoke sin and thus went in

>! This was a play on words, the Sindar elves spoke Sindarin and entered into Lothlorien

    To rule over all within

>! The Sindar elves enriched lothlorien with Sindar culture, their ruler was the Sindar lord Amdír.

References to descriptions given above can be found [here][1].

Where am I?

**HINT 1**

>! Man may not tread in this place but man is not the only species in this universe

**HINT 2**

>! This place is a place of great beauty and serenity

**HINT 3**
>! Man may only enter this place if invited in

**Final Hint**
>! A fellowship also visit this place at some point in their quest.

  [1]: http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Lothl%C3%B3rien