Edit : Made the final step to the solution easier to solve, also added hint.
I’m not quite sure what’s happening over here, but I believe you guys might be able to help.
I started noticing something suspicious once my phone died. Almost the moment I entered my home, my phone broke out into something I can only describe as a violent spasm, and jumped out of my pocket onto the floor. As I stare in horror at the shattered screen, a strange image flashed and left as quickly as it came.
I was then stumbling around like a zombie, unsuccessfully attempting to revive my mobile device when I tripped over my robotic vacuum "Hal" and fell hard to the floor.
After cursing at Hal until satisfied, I pulled myself up and there it was. The same image I seen on my phone during its last breath, was now on my TV! Wasting no time I was able to copy the image from my TV with a usb stick and post it below.
Also my tablet must have something to do with this as well. It will no longer grant me access. It says “ENTER PASSWORD” and a keyboard pops up. It has got to be related because normally it's not locked.
Not sure if the image filename is of any help as most of it seems to be gibberish but here it is:
Here's the image, seems like a circuit of somekind...
All in all, this is what I’m asking you guys:
Is there any logic to the filename?
What is the new password to my tablet?
This is my first puzzle post so please let me know if the format is incorrect, or if any edits need to be made.
Hint 1
The password requires two phrases.
Hint 2
The hint in the filename applies to both halves of the password, although, each half is hidden in a different place.
Hint 3
The resistors lead to one half of the solution, the wiring to the other.